Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

Joe was obese, suffering from an autoimmune disease called uritacaria, and taking tons of pharmaceuticals just to stay alive. He decided to take drastic measures and film himself as he went on a journey across the US to heal himself and in the process, lose over 100 pounds. He spent 60 days living solely on juice!

Fat Sick and Nearly Dead – Joe Cross’ Juice Fast! Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, a truly inspiring documentary which has now been seen by millions of people worldwide. The documentary a centered around Joe Cross the ups and downs of the 60-day juice fast that saved his life.

Joe was obese, suffering from an autoimmune disease called uritacaria, and taking tons of pharmaceuticals just to stay alive. He decided to take drastic measures and film himself as he went on a journey across the US to heal himself and in the process, lose over 100 pounds. He spent 60 days living solely on juice!

The documentary also gives informative content on the state of poor dieting in the United States and how it is causing a self-induced disease epidemic. Enjoy and be inspired!



Hundreds of Millions in Drugs & Money being smuggled out of Aghanistan

The following are leaked state department cables about the massive loads of drugs and money being smuggled out of Afghanistan. Implicated in the cables are Hamid Karzai, former president of Afghanistan; The Central Bank of Afghanistan; Sher Khan Farnood, the chairman of Kabul Bank; Ahmad Zia Masood, former vice president of Afghanistan.

Credit to Jesse Ventura, cables can be found in his book, 67 Documents The Government Does not Want You to Read.

View or Download via these links:

D& M afg Pg 1-2

D&M afg pg 3-4

Brexit: The Movie



Full version of Brexit: The Movie – the crowdfunded film making the case for Britain to LEAVE the EU on June 23rd. For more info and segments of the film visit http://www.brexitthemovie.com

A high-quality Brexit: The Movie digital download is available FREE https://vimeo.com/166378572 simply click the ‘download’ button underneath the play bar, and you’ll be able to download the film in a range of resolutions, including its original size – perfect for any public screenings!

Together for Togo by Prince Abdullah


Much of the world knows little about the 49 year long brutal dictatorship of the Gnassingble family in Togo. The following is a manifesto, a letter, a call to action, written by Prince Abdullah of neighboring Ghana.


Together for Togo

by Prince Abdullah

The nation of Togo is one of the last nations on earth  yet to be free from complete colonial rule. This form of neo-colonialism that has been perpetrated by the Gnassingbe family and their external backers, primarily the French and American governments, is one that is so horrendous that it is hard to believe that the people involved in this travesty are even human at all. Togo’s statistics in terms of poverty, lack of economic opportunity, healthcare , and quality of life, are all astonishingly terrible and consistently among the worst on earth. We seek to raise awareness about this issue in the hopes of bringing the people of Togo freedom to choose their form of governance, a reasonable quality of life, and the ability to collectively share in the benefits that stem from the nation’s wealth of natural and human resources. For this to be possible, the brutal totalitarian military dictatorship of the Gnassingbe regime, currently headed by Faure Gnassingbe, must come to an end immediately.

For the last 48 years, the Gnassingbe regime have acted as incredibly brutal and piggish tyrants towards their own people and shockingly useful idiots for the colonial powers that seek to maintain control of Togo. Faure Gnassingbe has allowed the nation’s natural resources, it’s ideally located port of Lome which is the most active port in West Africa, and the people of Togo, to be thoroughly abused and raped for the sole benefit of himself, his family (including his 17 children with thirteen different women), and his colonialist backers. The current president of Togo is worth an estimated 5-6.5 billion dollars; the average Togolese citizen is currently surviving off of less than two dollars a day. Togo has been rated by the World Happiness report as the scientifically most unhappy country in the world for the last four years in a row; the World Happiness report has only been in existence for four years. The study is conducted by surveys and research from multiple organizations including Gallup and the United Nations. Over 70 % of Togo does not have access to decent toilets. One in eight children in Togo will not reach their fifth birthday. Almost 70% of Togo is unemployed. 58.7% of Togo lives under the poverty line. Togo currently runs a trade deficit of an average of 279 million dollars annually and is 221 million dollars in debt, yet the treasure chests and lavish lifestyle of Faure Gnassingbe is ever increasing. After post-election protests in 1991, Eyeadema Gnassingbe, the father of Faure Gnassingbe and dictator for over 38 years, murdered 3000 of his own people; he labeled them as “treasonous.” Life in Togo is hellish and unbearable, no man woman or child in the year 2015 with the abundance of resources at their disposal should be living in this type of absolute subjugation and squalor. This needs to change.

One can not seek to seriously help the people of Togo without addressing the root cause of their suffering, which is the Gnassingbe totalitarian military dictatorship of over 48 years. We are not giving out bags of rice and needles full of unknown chemicals; we are not making speeches and asking you to sponsor children; we are bringing light. All of these atrocities have been done in the dark, we seek to bring clarity and create a two-way window between Togo and the outside world through the raising of awareness and peaceful forms of activism. We believe that when this darkness is brought to light, the goodness of the world’s people will rescue the people of Togo from this plight. The people of Togo have not had peace, self-determination, independence, or a decent collective standard of living for almost 300 years; help us to help them.


The Case Against War with Russia

Russian “aggression” they say is the reason. The absurdity of that is 200% Orwellian. Russia has not deployed even a single military resource near the border of the U.S. Not 1. Nor have they publicly threatened the U.S. On the contrary, the U.S has been “aggressively” encircling Russia, putting ships in the Black sea, stationing assets in Ukraine & Poland, and routinely threatening and demonizing Russia, both publicly, and officially.

The Case Against War with Russia

Let’s do a little thought experiment.

Close your eyes and think about the word Russia. I am willing to wager a box of Turkish Delights and a carton of Russian smoked salmon that at least one of the first things that came to your mind was indicative of a people or a nation that you probably would not want to fight. For students of history, they will remember Russia being the last stop for both Napoleon and Hitler in their world conquest ambitions.

So what is going on in the Obama administration? I wonder if we can file a Freedom of Information request for all of the prescription pharmaceuticals (and other drugs) floating around that place. Now that last sentence was a bit facetious, I understand things are much more sinister and serious than simple madness, but there are certainly a few degrees of insanity at play when declaring Russia and China as the top security threats to the U.S., as Chuck Hagel shockingly chose to do.

Russian “aggression” they say is the reason. The absurdity of that is 200% Orwellian. Russia has not deployed even a single military resource near the border of the U.S. Not 1. Nor have they publicly threatened the U.S. But on the contrary, the U.S has been “aggressively” encircling Russia, putting ships in the Black sea, stationing assets in Ukraine & Poland, and routinely threatening and demonizing Russia

The whole world knows who overthrew the Ukrainian Government.

The lies about U.S involvement were becoming so hard to keep under the barrage of questions from reporters such as Matt Lee and Gayane Chichakyan of RT, that the U.S state department had to cycle through spokespeople faster than Bill Clinton goes through mistresses. I guess not everyone has the Obama and Hillary Clinton like ability to tell lies with a straight face.

It simply seems the U.S. wants to start another war with 0 provocations. I think the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Lybia, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen are all too familiar with this. The U.S. got away with bullying these lesser poorer nations, but the Russians are in a whole different weight class.

THE U.S Military is Vastly Inferior to Russia’s.

In America, criticizing the military is akin to religious blasphemy, but I think it is a healthy practice to cross check beliefs with facts. The U.S. military has been continuously at war for almost the entirety of the new millennium. Stock piles are drawn down, the manufacturing has all gone to China (which is a Russian military ally by the way), Mexico, India, and others, the economy has been bled dry, the American people are weary from war, people are aware of the lack of care for the Veterans and thus are not in a rush to join their lot, and the American people are simply waking up to the fact that “War is a Racquet” for a few and a catastrophe for the many. They are sick and tired of being told to sacrifice life and limb for the profits of defense contractors, bankers, and politicians, while these cowardly men sit thousands of miles away and push ceaseless war propaganda for their own benefits.


On the contrary, Russia has not had a major war since the fall of the Soviet Union. That’s over 20 years without war, while the U.S. has been 15+ years at war. Russia still has strong manufacturing and has the world’s #1 manufacturer, China, as its military ally. They have not been imbued with ceaseless propaganda, they have not been lied to and False Flagged repeatedly in order to trick them into war, they have not had to see their veterans treated like animals, and they have not had to see their country impoverished for the sake of a few war profiteers. If the Russian people are attacked, they will fight with heart, and they will be fighting to defend their loved ones and country, they will be fighting for all the right reasons. And what will the U.S. military men fight for? A measly salary? A college “education”? Subsidized home buying?

“The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.”- Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

Russia does not do Cost-Plus.

The U.S weaponry is not made with efficacy and economy as the primary intent. The cost-plus contracting model literally incentivizes waste and price gouging at the expense of the country. The Bradley fighting vehicle, the 1 trillion dollar F-35 jet, and the Patriot missile system are all great examples. A great movie about this ridiculousness is The Pentagon Wars, a comedy about the Bradley Fighting Vehicle based on the actual events of its creation. I’m no military expert, but when a comedic film can be made about your military equipment, I don’t think that’s a good sign.

The S400 surface to air missiles deployed in Syria demonstrated the vast superiority of Russian weapons to U.S. weapons. The U.S. would not even dare flying a plane across an S400 missile system; this is a major reason why Bashar Al-Assad’s government is still intact in Syria.

When the Russians saw the U.S. conducting war games near their borders in the Black Sea, a Russian jet easily crippled the USS Donald cook’s electrical and radar systems and left it a blind sitting duck in unfamiliar waters. Of course, the propagandists labeled this as “Russian aggression” as well.

Russia not only has a nuclear stock pile comparable to the one of the U.S. but again, because of the focus on efficacy rather than profiteering, their nuclear weaponry has capabilities that the U.S. weapons do not have. And here is a big one: The Patriot Missile System can only intercept ballistic missiles that fly on a predictable arch shaped pattern, but Russian ballistics do not fly in this pattern, they loop and spin and dive and twirl in the air, making it basically impossible for the Patriot System to even intercept a single one. On the contrary, the S400s are actually heat seeking, they don’t rely on predictable patterns, and thus can easily take down both missiles and planes.

These are the people you want to pick a fight with? Like Hitler and Napoleon, the Anglo-American empire could be the next empire in the Russian graveyard if they continue this posture.


Nuclear war is a real possibility

The most compelling reason for all remaining rational and sane individuals to be 100% opposed to a war between the U.S. and Russia, is the real possibility of escalation into nuclear war. The Russians have thousands of nukes. The U.S., France, Britain, Israel, and some of other allies also have many thousands of nukes. And going back to my point about the missile defense technology comparison, there may be a very clear winner if the war goes that far.


Is it really wise to poke the Russian bear?